Source code for santa_helpers.paths

from typing import Tuple

    'U': (0, 1),
    'D': (0, -1),
    'L': (-1, 0),
    'R': (1, 0),

    'N': (0, 1),
    'S': (0, -1),
    'W': (-1, 0),
    'E': (1, 0),

[docs]def get_direction(ch: str) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Coordinates point for direction Args: ch: str - direction as a single letter UDLR or NEWS Returns: tuple (x, y) - direction coordinates. E.g.: N -> (0, 1) # north S -> (0, -1) # south L -> (-1, 0) # left Raises KeyError: if direction char not in allowed directions. """ try: return ( RELATIVE_DIRECTIONS.get(ch, None) or GEOGRAPHICAL_DIRECTIONS[ch] ) except KeyError: raise KeyError( f'No such direction {ch}. Available directions: NSWE and UDLR' )
[docs]def get_target_point(start: Tuple[int, int], steps: str) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Coordinates of target point based on start point and steps. Args: start: tuple (x, y) - coordinates of the starting point. steps: string e.g U15 - contains direction (U D L R or N E S W) and number of steps. Directions - two direction systems are possible: Relative orientations: U - Up -> (0, 1) D - Down -> (0, -1) L - Left -> (-1, 0) R - Right -> (1, 0) Geographical directions: N - North -> (0, 1) E - East -> (1, 0) S - South -> (0, -1) W - West -> (-1, 0) Returns: tuple (x, y) - coordinates of the target point. """ x, y = start ch, n = steps[0], int(steps[1:]) dx, dy = get_direction(ch) return x + n * dx, y + n * dy
[docs]def path_points(start, steps): """Generate coordinates of each path point based on start point and steps. Args: start: tuple (x, y) - coordinates of the starting point. steps: string e.g U15 - contains direction (UDLR or NESW) and number of steps. Directions - two direction systems are possible: Relative orientations: U - Up -> (0, 1) D - Down -> (0, -1) L - Left -> (-1, 0) R - Right -> (1, 0) Geographical directions: N - North -> (0, 1) E - East -> (1, 0) S - South -> (0, -1) W - West -> (-1, 0) Yields: tuple (x, y) - point. """ x, y = start ch, n = steps[0], int(steps[1:]) dx, dy = get_direction(ch) tx, ty = x + n * dx, y + n * dy while not (x == tx and y == ty): x += dx y += dy yield x, y